A British teenager, Marcus Fakana, has begun serving a one-year prison sentence in Dubai after being convicted of having a sexual relationship with a 17-year-old girl during a holiday. The 18-year-old surrendered to authorities to start his term in Al Awir prison following the controversial conviction.

Fakana's case stems from a relationship that developed in September while both he and the girl, now 18, were on vacation with their families. According to reports, the girl's mother reported the relationship to Dubai police after discovering photos and messages. This led to Fakana's arrest at his hotel despite his claims that he was unaware of her age.

Fakana was escorted from his family to his cell within Al Awir prison. Before his detainment, he expressed gratitude to supporters and credited his faith for strength during his legal battle. Campaign group Detained in Dubai, who has been assisting Fakana, claims that the girl's mother reported the relationship after they returned to the UK.

The legal proceedings have raised concerns, particularly given the strict laws in Dubai regarding relationships with minors. Fakana, a London resident, claims he did not know his partner was underage when they met, highlighting the difficulties of differing legal standards.

The situation has garnered attention from human rights organizations and the UK government. Radha Stirling of Detained in Dubai shared concerns for Fakana's safety within the overcrowded prison, noting reports of violence. Stirling and his organization will continue lobbying for a commutation of his sentence to allow for a quicker return home.

Despite this, Fakana is reportedly focused on completing his sentence and returning home, and has called on both the British government and the ruler of Dubai to assist in his early release. The UK Foreign, Commonwealth, and Development Office has acknowledged its involvement, stating they are providing support to Fakana and his family.