Actress Gal Gadot recently disclosed that she underwent emergency brain surgery during her eighth month of pregnancy after being diagnosed with a significant blood clot. The "Wonder Woman" star shared her experience, emphasizing the importance of listening to one's body and being aware of rare conditions.
Gadot revealed in an Instagram post that she experienced weeks of severe headaches, prompting an MRI that revealed the clot. This diagnosis came in February, forcing an immediate response to save her and her unborn child. "In one moment, my family and I were faced with how fragile life can be," she wrote, highlighting the sudden shift and the urgency of the situation.
Following the diagnosis, Gadot underwent emergency surgery and her daughter, Ori, was born. She explained that her daughter’s name, which means “my light,” was intentionally chosen to symbolize the hope she held onto during the ordeal. She also expressed deep gratitude to the medical professionals at Cedars Sinai in Los Angeles for their dedicated care throughout her difficult journey.
The actress said her recovery was successful, and she is now fully healed. This experience, she noted, has taught her valuable lessons, particularly the significance of recognizing and addressing changes in the body. She stressed that pain, discomfort, or even subtle shifts could signify serious underlying conditions that require prompt attention.
Gadot also shared that she learned of the rare condition, cerebral venous thrombosis (CVT), which affects approximately three in 100,000 pregnant women in the 30+ age group. She stressed the importance of early detection, since the condition is treatable. Gadot hopes her story empowers others to prioritize their health and seek timely medical attention if they detect unusual symptoms.
Gadot and her husband, Jaron Varsano, now have four daughters, with Ori's birth initially announced in March without revealing the specifics of the emergency. The star’s public sharing of her medical ordeal underscores the importance of awareness and proactive health management.