How to create a Telegram bot without coding?

Learn how to create a Telegram bot without any coding skills. Follow this step-by-step guide to design, customize, and launch your bot effortlessly using free tools.1 min


In today's post, I will show you how to easily create a Telegram bot without coding. Using Telegram bot, you can automate various tasks, such as automatic replies, file sharing, reminders, etc. Let's get started step by step.

Create bots with BotFather

Telegram has an official tool for creating bots called BotFather . It is Telegram's official bot manager.

How to use BotFather?

  1. Open the Telegram app and type @BotFather in the search bar.
  2. Go to the BotFather chat and click the Start button.
  3. Then /newbotsend the command.
  4. Give your bot a name (e.g. My First Bot).
  5. Then enter a Username that must end with _botor (e.g. MyFirstBot or My_Bot).bot
  6. BotFather will give you a Token . Save this token as you will need it to access your bot. 
Customize Bot Settings

BotFather will give you some more commands to customize your bot.

  • /setdescription : Set a description for the bot.
  • /setabouttext : Write something about the bot.
  • /setuserpic : Set the bot's profile picture.
  • /setcommands : Set commands for the bot.

Use the Bot Integration Tool

There are some popular tools for creating bots without coding. Through them, you can easily set the tasks of your bot.

1. Manybot
👉Manybot A free platform where you can easily create Telegram bots.

২. Chatfue

👉Chatfuel A modern tool used to create Telegram and Facebook Messenger bots.

  • Log in and add your token.
  • Customize the bot with easy drag-and-drop features.

৩. Integromat
👉 Integromat A tool that helps set up various automations for Telegram bots.

In today's post, we will create a bot without coding using Manybot.

So let's move on to the final steps, everyone. You can use other tools if you want. 

SignUp on ManyChat 

1. Go ManyChat website 

  • 2. Connect Telegram Bot to ManyChat 1. First , copy the API Token

obtained from BotFather . 2. Go to the ManyChat dashboard and go to the Settings > Telegram section. 3. Select the Connect Telegram Bot option. 4. Paste the API Token and click the Connect button. 

5. Great! You can now customize the bot in ManyChat.

3. Design the bot flow

1. Go to the Automation menu.

2. Click on the Create Flow option to create a New Flow

3. Set a demo message, such as: “Welcome! Manage your e-commerce business more easily, bro”Design message flows using drag-and-drop. 

Add Quick Replies , such as:

📦 Learn about the product

📞 Customer Support

🛒 Order

4. Add customized features

1. Conditions : Set the bot's behavior according to the user's message. Example: If the user types “order”, the order process will start. 

1. Actions : Add features to collect data, send emails, or send information to another application. 

2. Broadcasting : Send promotional messages to users.

 Test the bot

1. Open your bot in your Telegram app.
2. /startType and see if the bot is working.
3. If there are any issues, go to Tools and fix the flow or settings.


Share bot

You can make your bot public or private. If you want to make it public, share the link to the bot.
Example of a link:

Source- TrickBD

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