Hulk Hogan, the legendary wrestler, faced a frosty reception from the crowd at Monday Night Raw, the latest WWE event sponsored by Netflix. The 71-year-old, despite a promotional appearance for his new beer, "Real American Beer," was roundly booed during his surprise entrance.

Hogan, flanked by manager Jimmy Hart, attempted to rally the crowd, referencing past wrestling partnerships and emphasizing the new WWE-Netflix collaboration. However, his enthusiastic pitch for his beer and the partnership seemed to fall flat with the audience.

His speech included an overt sales pitch for his new beer, drawing parallels between his wrestling career and the new partnership. He touted the historical significance of the event and stressed that he has always fought for "something bigger than himself."

The mixed response to Hogan raises questions about the reception of celebrity endorsements in sports entertainment. Speculation about the reasons for the negative reception include a potential backlash related to Hogan's past controversies, including a 2015 video. This, along with his perceived political stance, may have played a part in the audience's reaction.

Despite the negative reception, Hogan's speech touched on the historical partnership between WWE and Netflix and its broader impact. The company's close ties to the Trump administration, with Linda McMahon’s return to the cabinet, may have also factored into the audience's response, although wrestling audiences are not generally known to be politically homogenous.

Hogan's past support for President Trump, including appearances at the Republican National Convention and rallies, could have further alienated some fans. Notably, he made appearances at Trump's rallies, promoting Trump. While this event was likely not the only factor in the booing, these actions add context.

The incident underscores the complex relationship between celebrity endorsements and audience reactions, particularly in the context of sports and entertainment.