The search for the terrifying Red Room

Red Room means red room; It is common for websites to exist in the deepest part of the internet, the Deep Web and Dark Web networks8 min


What is the Red Room?

Red Room means red room; It is common for websites to exist in the deepest part of the internet, the Deep Web and Dark Web networks, where a victim is immorally tortured and tortured at the will of the viewer or participant – for which, of course, a certain amount of money is taken from the viewer or participant.

All the popular legends about the Red Room

There are many articles on the internet that make dire statements about the Red Room, but there is no specific resource that validates the Red Room issue;

Red Room is a very scary thing for everyone and at the same time many people have a curious interest in it. In the common myth about Red Room, it is a virtual system [website or web application] where you have to pay a certain amount of money to enter [usually all these transactions are done in crypto currency for which it is trackless] and there will be a victim and there will be an operator to torture or torture that victim according to the wishes of the viewer or participant. All this process is served through the said system live streaming and the participant can give commands to the operator according to his wishes through chatting suggestions.

Often, there are multiple participants in this system, and the victim is tortured at the will of the one who pays the highest amount of money – even to the point of death.

In any case, all of them are just common myths – there are no reliable resources available that can validate them.

Surface exploration of the Red Room

First of all, we search for Red Room on the surface web, then like a noob, we type it in the Google search engine and search Where is Red Room? Then we get supplementary information from Wikipedia, Quora etc. but we do not get any exact gateway path. Again the same question Where is Red Room in Dark Web? If Gemini is not to be asked then it is unable to provide information on this matter by directly refusing because it involves the fact of harassment, abuse and child missing.

Although we have not yet found the search for Red Room, the analysis of “social engineering mind” utilization can be done “If Red Room really exists, then the victims there may be missing children or people who have suddenly disappeared or disappeared” [of course, if Red Room really exists] On the other hand, if the location is accepted conditionally, it may be that in this case the victim and the entire action are just streaming like a perfectly arranged drama [I am not saying that this happens, but it may be possible]. DuckDuckGo, the search engine known for the Deep Web, cannot directly search for Where is Red Room in Dark Web? – which can be accessed from.

Even when we search for Red Room Link, we can't find the correct web address [disappointed…I'm so disappointed]!

TOR Network Surface Search

Since we were not successful in finding Red Room in Surface Web Exploration, we will search on the TOR network for now; however, we tried to search the surface without directly connecting to the TOR network, where the TorLink search engine could not show any results related to this; the Ahmia search engine could not give us a direct Red Room web access address. Even HiddenWiki could not give us the necessary information .

i2p Network Surface Search

Leaving the TOR Network behind, we now search a little with the help of the i2pSearch search engine – here too we did not find any links or information on the actual web access gateway of Red Room!

TOR network proxified search

Now we will connect directly to the TOR network and try to search for which we will install the Orbot programming package and then continue searching in the TOR specified search engines. From Orbot, we get information about Red Room from the Torch search engine by connecting to the TOR network.

Search for the terrifying Red Room Tor Search

However, even in this case, we cannot find the direct access gateway by searching for almost all search queries; however, we do not get information about this from the DeepLink Onion Directory either.


The search for the terrifying Red Room



The search for the terrifying Red Room

Now, when we  search for HyStak, we are able to find some data, but we need to explore how authentic it is.

The search for the terrifying Red Room

Several websites of Red Room





All of them appear to be inactive, meaning the websites are not active – of course, this is natural because most onion sites are temporary (except for legitimate sites). They don't even get information from ProPublica or SecureDrop. Now we'll try another search engine, DeepSearch , and the results it gets don't seem to provide Red Room related information…

I did get some information from Onion Land.

The search for the terrifying Red Room

According to the information received here,  the website http://e2kbjpp32w72r6cpfktuga6pilx6a64z2cs7ifue4prbdgtskaw4hkqd.onion/redroom.php is also not active, but we were able to get an interface of Red Room on the website http://d4mbbxy3qskbhzcgvq7nwyo5752yjr3xx2y2wycbtinsrj2ldljmdcyd 

ভয়ংকর Red Room এর অনুসন্ধান

But I don't want to end the search here – now we will verify how legit it really is; as soon as I click on the link, I can see that a separate script called redroom.php is integrated into its hosting area, which states that a username and password are required to enter the Red Room.

The search for the terrifying Red Room

At the same time, a separate amount of money has to be paid for roles such as Separator / Commander / Master etc. It is not that it does not stream on the TOR network, but it mainly interacts with the user through the Tails network, which is basically an anonymous private network.

Red Room entrance

Right now we would like to access the Red Room directly…

Here it can be seen that if you pay 0.004 BTC to 14tagjxSmq3jPsqJkLHjrzwyufsJy7zSsN, they will redirect you and add it as a separator to their Red Room streaming; but how true or legitimate is the matter that needs to be verified, right?

Verification of authenticity

Since the same crypto address remains unchanged even after different regions and networking proxy IP masking on the same web page for a certain period of time – yet the same networking crypto address for all Separator / Commader / Master raises doubts as to who made the payment in the block chain of the crypto currency, it is not possible to identify it – As a remark, there is no way to specify it here for php coding [usually you can understand it by inspecting the source code of the page] However, Google's Api chart has been used here which Google has rejected; Here, if we use the social engineering mind again to verify the authenticity, we can see a high payment receiving private network that reveals the noob behavior of web structural coding – which should never be on an elite and legitimate website; So it may not be wrong to call it non-legit and scam!

Another Red Room

Until now, we couldn't find Red Room, but now we are getting a lot of Red Room websites when searching – which is http://iynim46ko35u4f5gnbv3kbwq35f2pklcd5zshtiodkaahnl2bdgca2id.onion/


The search for the terrifying Red Room

Verification of authenticity

If we enter here too, we see that it takes us to the network [not active] which indicates crypto payment on the surface web; However, now we see that it forces the payment instruction to download a file which is in Zip format; So it does not seem to have the possibility of being legitimate either, rather it can be called just a static web page [Inspect the source code] then it can be understood that it is not functional at all! Here too there is an instruction to use Tails private network for communication.

Red Room Expedition Summary 

Now we are about to end our Red Room exploration journey; but you may have already acquired the exploration techniques and resources to begin the search….

It is at least possible to realize that searching for Red Room on networks such as Surface and Tor Network or i2P is not very easy; On the other hand, most of the Onion sites that claim to provide Red Room services are not currently functional or active, and the websites that are active are also non-functional, which increases the likelihood of being scams!

Is there really no Red Room?!

Whatever answer I give to this, yes/no, will be false and the most correct answer is "I don't know" because in the world of Anonymous Network, there are not only Tor but also Key Based Routing, EncroChat,

It's not impossible that there could be a Red Room in the world of networking like Anonymous P2P etc. – the possibility is certainly there, but how possible is also a big question!

Although this is a confusing answer, it is the most truthful and accurate one!

The real location of the Red Room

The Red Room does exist – it is right in front of your eyes (whether virtual or real life); when a certain controversial issue goes viral on social media, is the mockery or sarcasm we make about it in the comment section any less than the Red Room participants? Maybe we don't shed light on the issue in that way because it is only psychological – but is this any less than the mental torture of the Red Room? Moreover, social media can also be seen to inspire various misdeeds in real life – do you remember the story of Tofazzal in the mass beating of Fazlul Haque of Dhaka University (DU) on suspicion of being a thief if he was Muslim? Others not only avoid responsibility by placing the blame on others, but also in real life, when there is a quarrel or dispute somewhere, this you/I crowd there with interest and curiosity, and the "beat…beat" commotion becomes overly enthusiastic, much like a mob, and the sanity of the mental statement is lost; There is also discussion about who was able to give how many slaps or kicks, and if they were unable to give a beating, a latent regret also comes into play…

Am I going off on a literary tangent? Maybe….but it's also true that this Red Room is everywhere, from virtual to real, before your eyes – the realization depends on your and my reaction to it!

Red Room Psychology

Now we have to analyze what is the psychology behind the Red Room? For many, it is a completely unwanted system, yet there are many psychopaths (I am not calling them psychopaths, but I am just saying this to explain for now – it will become quite complex if we shed light on it) for whom it is a way to gain mental peace; Also, there are many people in our society who are not capable of physical integration in such activities due to their condition and position, they virtually gain a kind of psychological (it is not bad to call it psychedelic) satisfaction in it – so in the context of such a mentality, there may be a strong reason for the existence of the Red Room!

Link warning

To access all links in this article (especially onion sites), you must connect to the TOR network and use an advanced VPN before doing so. It is recommended to be careful in making all kinds of transactions and not to make any transactions. Exercise caution when downloading any files or software from any link.


Aside from the particularly horrific Red Room story, perhaps the meaning of the article could be a more horrific sentence: "You and I have some of the same psychopathic mentality as the participants in Red Room." Self-exploration of that is very important for you and everyone in society! 

source – TrickBD

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