In a remarkable turn of events, a woman who vanished in the United Kingdom over five decades ago has been located safe and well. Sheila Fox disappeared at the age of 16 in 1972 from Coventry, West Midlands, sparking one of the country's longest-running missing person cases.

Initial investigations at the time presumed Fox may have relocated, but her whereabouts remained unknown for over half a century. Recently, West Midlands Police launched a renewed appeal, sharing an old photograph of Fox in hopes of generating new leads.

The appeal yielded swift results. Within hours of the public call, a member of the community contacted the authorities, providing vital information that ultimately led to Fox.

Police have confirmed that she is currently living in another part of the UK and is in good health. The case marks a positive resolution to one of the area's most enduring missing person mysteries.

Detective Sergeant Jenna Shaw expressed her team's delight at finding Fox after so long, emphasizing the commitment to reviewing all available evidence, along with the valuable help from the public. She further acknowledged the dedication of Detective Constable Shaun Reeve in resolving the case.

Shaw also stressed the importance of providing answers to families and friends of missing individuals, highlighting the human stories behind each case.