Ukraine launched a fresh offensive in Russia's Kursk region, with the Russian Defense Ministry claiming to have pushed back Ukrainian troops. Volodymyr Zelensky, however, countered with a report of significant Russian and North Korean losses in the region.
Zelensky asserted that "in battles yesterday and today near the village of Makhnovka, the Russian army lost up to a battalion of North Korean infantry soldiers and Russian paratroopers." He described the losses as "significant." This follows previous claims by Zelensky of 3,000 North Korean casualties in the August incursion.
Despite the reported Ukrainian incursion, military analysts suggest little shift in the overall conflict dynamics, noting Ukraine may have lost a substantial portion of the initial captured territory—estimated to be around 40 percent.
Zelensky also issued a stark warning about potential consequences of US withdrawal from NATO. He declared that a US exit from the alliance would embolden Vladimir Putin and potentially lead to further destabilization in Europe. "If the US does quit the alliance, Putin will destroy Europe," Zelensky stated.
Separately, Zelensky highlighted the perceived insufficiency of sanctions targeting Russian supply chains for military components. He pointed out that Russia is continuing to procure sanctioned foreign components for its weaponry used in the conflict. He called for intensified cooperation with allies to strengthen sanctions, bolster air defenses, and provide advanced weaponry to Ukraine.