French authorities have arrested three social media influencers, allegedly for posting videos inciting violence. The arrests, announced over the weekend, occurred in Grenoble, Montpellier, and Brest. This comes amid strained relations between France and Algeria, which has seen a recent deterioration in diplomatic ties.
Tensions between the two nations have escalated recently. A key factor is France's shift on the Western Sahara dispute, causing Algeria to withdraw its ambassador. Furthermore, the Algerian government's detention of French-Algerian writer Boualem Sansal has added fuel to the fire. While the French government has stated its desire for improved relations with Algeria, doubts persist about Algeria's commitment to a 2022 agreement aimed at reconciliation.
The arrested influencers, reportedly Algerian citizens living in France, are suspected of spreading inflammatory content online. One influencer, with a TikTok following of over 400,000, is accused of expressing sympathy for terrorism and calling for attacks within France. Another was accused of making "vile" anti-semitic comments on the platform.
The investigations are ongoing, and the relationship between France and Algeria remains fraught with complex issues. French authorities have declined to directly link the influencer arrests to broader geopolitical tensions. However, the timing of these events is significant given the recent diplomatic friction.