Meghan Markle, the Duchess of Sussex, has shared her profound grief following the death of her beloved beagle, Guy. The 43-year-old, who recently reactivated her Instagram account after a six-year hiatus, posted a heartfelt tribute to her canine companion.
Markle's tribute, posted Tuesday evening, detailed the dog's enduring impact on her life. "I have cried too many tears to count," she wrote, conveying the depth of her sorrow. She reminisced about Guy's unconditional love and the various life stages they shared, from her time on the television series "Suits" to her marriage and motherhood.
Guy was adopted by Markle in 2015 from a Canadian dog rescue, after being found in a Kentucky kill shelter. His frail condition prompted the name "Guy," which, she noted, perfectly captured his spirit. The Duchess shared personal anecdotes of their shared adventures, including their journey to the UK following a severe accident, which required extensive medical treatment.
The post included video and photos of Guy, some featuring Markle's children, Archie and Lilibet, further emphasizing the pet's integral role in their family life. Markle expressed gratitude for the veterinary care provided by Dr. Noel Fitzpatrick and the team at Queen West Animal Hospital, emphasizing the crucial role they played in Guy's recovery.
Significantly, Markle announced Guy's appearance in her forthcoming cooking series, "With Love, Meghan." She hopes viewers will appreciate Guy's role in her life and the impact of his passing.