Meghan Markle's upcoming eight-part Netflix series, "With Love, Meghan," has generated considerable discussion, drawing comparisons to a horror film based on the "trad wife" phenomenon. The trailer, highlighting domesticity and a seemingly "perfect" suburban life, raises questions about the series' tone and message.
The show's trailer features Markle engaging in seemingly mundane activities such as gardening, baking, and preparing food, presented with an earnest and seemingly saccharine tone. Critics suggest this earnest approach, punctuated by platitudes like "We're not in the pursuit of perfection, we're in the pursuit of joy," could be perceived as overly simplistic and even slightly unsettling.
While some acknowledge Markle's advocacy for women's rights and her experiences with the royal family, the trailer's emphasis on domesticity and self-improvement has drawn criticism. The series' focus on practical tips and tricks, presented as a lifestyle guide, contrasts sharply with previous projects, and raises questions about its intended audience and message.
Markle's attempts to separate herself from her past experiences may be evident in this latest venture. The show's format aligns with the format of lifestyle content that Markle previously engaged with, potentially serving as a personal reboot. However, critics express concern about the tone, raising worries that it may not resonate with the diverse viewers seeking more nuanced perspectives.
The critical reception highlights a contrast between the intent of the project and the perceived impact of the trailer. While the series aims to showcase practical advice and personal stories, concerns remain about its potentially uninspired or overly simplistic approach.