Actress Mindy Kaling, known for her comedic roles, has enthusiastically endorsed Meghan Markle's new Netflix series, "With Love, Meghan." Kaling's praise, delivered at the recent Golden Globes, highlights the series' focus on accessible recipes and downplays criticisms of Markle's lifestyle choices.

Kaling's involvement in the series stemmed from a personal invitation from Markle herself. "With Love, Meghan," boasts an array of celebrity guests and showcases Markle's approach to cooking, gardening, and entertaining at her Californian farmhouse.

Kaling, who recently welcomed her third child, described the experience as one of the most glamorous moments of her life. She specifically praised Markle's cooking skills, noting that her recipes are surprisingly accessible, despite Markle's elaborate farm setting.

This sentiment stands in contrast to some critics who have viewed the series as ill-timed, given the current global challenges. However, Kaling's positive commentary, highlighting Markle's warmth and generosity, is a key element of the series' reception.

The series, reminiscent of Markle's previous blog, "The Tig," aims to blend practical instructions with heartfelt conversation. Despite potential criticism, the show is likely to appeal to fans eager to see the Duchess of Sussex explore lifestyle content once again.