Ten individuals sustained injuries at a Massachusetts arcade during a New Year's Eve celebration when a large display toppled, causing chaos and prompting an investigation. The incident occurred at the "In the Game" arcade in Peabody during its "Noon Year's Eve" event.

The Peabody Police Department initially described the fallen structure as a Lego display, though a company spokesperson later clarified it was not their product. The structure, a large block display, was supporting nets filled with balloons. Videos filmed before the incident revealed the display was positioned on what appeared to be the arcade's second floor.

According to the Peabody Fire Department, the display was brought down when someone pulled too hard on the netting in an attempt to release balloons, causing an eight-foot section to fall approximately twelve feet. This incident led to injuries including cuts and scrapes among ten individuals including six children. Eight individuals were hospitalized while two refused ambulance transportation.

Eyewitness accounts described the scene as chaotic, with blocks scattered around, and injured patrons receiving ice packs. Lawren Turco, who was present with her family, described the event as "pure chaos," and stated that many attendees were not aware of the circumstances behind the fall.

Following the incident, "In The Game" representatives stated they were cooperating with authorities. The company directed further questions to the Peabody Fire Department. Comments from social media users reflected concern regarding the safety measures involved with the display, while others noted that the arcade had hosted similar events previously without issue. This article has been updated to reflect a more accurate description of the display.