Three teenagers, aged 12 to 15, are facing serious charges after allegedly dumping scalding hot water on a 12-year-old boy during a sleepover in Tifton County, Georgia. The incident, described as a prank gone wrong, resulted in severe second-degree burns to the victim, requiring hospitalization and surgery.

The alleged perpetrators were reportedly playing video games when the incident occurred overnight at a neighbor's residence. The victim's mother, Tiffany West, told local news outlet WALB that her son was still asleep when the hot water was poured on his face. He was immediately transported to a burn center in Augusta.

"He was transported to the burn center in Augusta. He had to have surgery," West stated to WALB. "He is home recovering now, but it will take him 12 to 14 days to heal." The extent of the injuries highlights the severity of the incident and the profound impact it's having on the victim.

West, deeply affected by the incident, expressed her distress to WALB, saying, "I mean, I really can't describe it now. In that moment I was just mad, hurt, in shock. Everything, I was seeing red. I was just trying to hurry up and get him some help." Her son's family is understandably shaken by the ordeal.

The victim's aunt, Nachelle Austille, echoed the family's shock, adding that the incident has created a significant hardship. "You got to be in shock to know your friends are capable of doing this to you," she said. "Like somebody you trusted. It's just horrible. He never thought something like this would happen to him." Austille also noted the family's financial strain due to the need for caregiving, impacting their ability to work.

Police have confirmed that three juveniles are facing charges. They were released to their families pending further court proceedings. A first hearing is scheduled for next month. The specific charges are currently undisclosed. This case underscores the potentially devastating consequences of actions by young people.